
Our mission

We primarily assist small and medium-sized businesses in building a strong online presence by leveraging a variety of digital tools.

About Digikoa

Digikoa is a blend of two distinct words: 'digi,' a shorthand for digital, and 'koa,' meaning core in Japanese. Together, Digikoa represents the idea of enhancing your core business through the strategic use of digital tools.



Qualified employees

Not only is our team full of professionals – we're a fun bunch, too.

Projects delivered

Last year, we successfully completed over 100 individual projects worldwide.

Key industries

We have specialist experience in a handful of industries.


Who are we

Web Developer

All of our web developers excel in their respective fields, with most having over 2 years of industry experience and more than 4 years of overall expertise.

SEO Expert

Our SEO team is exceptional, having successfully improved search rankings for most of our clients. They are also blogging experts, managing several successful blogs.

Graphic Designers

Our designers have an extensive background in graphic designing, and often work together with our other specialists on various projects.

Marketing Specialist

Our marketing team brings extensive real-world experience, with each member having four years of hands-on, in-field expertise.

Web Developers
Web Developers
Graphic Designer
Graphic Designer
SEO Expert
SEO Expert

Why choose us?

Quality Values
Quality Values

We believe in your success and that online presence can help you achieve the best results for your business, regardless of your field or target market.

Quality for value

Our motto is to provide only the highest quality to our clients, no matter the circumstances.

Favorable Terms
Favorable Terms
High Standards
High Standards
Favorable terms

Each project we work on is tailored to the particular client's exact needs, not the other way around.

High standards

We take our client seriously, meaning that we only deliver work that we can be proud of.

Contact us

Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team.